20 December 2007



Holgaroid Experimentation


19 December 2007

Blue Label Herbs Plant Tag: Printed


Now available at Central Market, Whole Foods, and finer garden centers throughout Texas and the southeast.

18 December 2007

Radiohead New Media Promotional Ephemera


Clever, captivating curiosities, they. Lots of cachet and an otherwise interesting exploration of consumer-generated media placement. More here.


UPDATED: David Byrne and Thom Yorke discuss In Rainbows for Wired. (via Garrison)

12 December 2007

Ireland's Independent

Picture 1.pngIreland's Independent, supposedly a big daily in the Town of the Hurdled Ford, had some nice things to say about a "trio of Texans" in their guide to music on the information super causeway. Pretty cool. Check it here or here. Wrecks 'n Effect.

//////The Static Jacks////////

A press release I received this morning:
"Hi David-
I'm a big fan of the blog. Do you have a mailing address where I can send a press kit of a new band I manage, The Static Jacks?
Thank you very much!"

The Static Jacks, though probably not very good even slightly whatsoever, easily have the best band name in town.

10 December 2007

08 December 2007

In Stoc|k Now: Bow|flechts

(via Goblax Blennins)

07 December 2007



06 December 2007

Hills of Kingswood Property Map


Project: Hills of Kingswood Property Map/Collateral Brochure
Client: The Tower Group, Inc.
Artist: Jim Colley
Etc.: d


Elsewhere, the Times has a pretty interesting piece on an advertising photographer's recent encounter with one of his old images -- a 1997 Marlboro man co-opted by Richard Prince in signature fashion -- at a museum called the Guggenheim.

Caring and Not Caring. The Difference,
The Continuum.

(via It's Not For You)

This $&@$*$#Y& Guy

I swear, the bloody nerve of this bastard.

21 November 2007


19 November 2007

S'more Links

Astoundingly, we process memories seven times faster than we experience them. It all makes a terrible bit of sense when so clearly illuminated on Boing Boing.

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Weirder Rainbows. Somehow I missed this, Radiohead's cover of New Order's "Ceremony", a number that's been burning holes in my speakers.

//////<<<>>>>>///////////// //////<<<>>>>>/////////////

The London Times mentions GvsB in their student guide to downloading legit jams on the Internet machine.

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Ruddy birthday sponge cake.

09 November 2007

Gauguin's "Tahitian Menu"


This original Gauguin stencil (colour pochoir), dated 1891, was unearthed from a recently deceased great uncle's abode along with an original Chagall I've yet to see.

Assuming that the piece is authentic -- the original owner was particularly known for his fudging of details -- it would have come from a period in Guaguin's career described thusly on Wikipedia:

"In 1891, Gauguin, frustrated by lack of recognition at home and financially destitute, sailed to the tropics to escape European civilization and 'everything that is artificial and conventional.' (Before this he had made several attempts to find a tropical paradise where he could 'live on fish and fruit' and paint in his increasingly primitive style, including short stays in Martinique and as a labourer on the Panama Canal construction, however he was dismissed from his job after only two weeks). Living in Mataiea Village in Tahiti, he painted "Fatata te Miti" ("By the Sea"), "Ia Orana Maria" (Ave Maria) and other depictions of Tahitian life."

I would venture to say "Tahitian Menu" is, as the title would suggest, a daily/weekly menu for a restaurant that hired the newly itinerant Gaugin as an in-house designer, a position which would elegantly accommodate the presentation of the establishment's revolving offerings. In looking at the curvature motivating Gauguin's undulating stroke, you would not be terribly unwise to assume that the proprieters of the establishment paid Gauguin solely in trade...food and change in exchange for art as indicated by the bucolic silhouettes driving the shape of the Tahitian damsel.

Anyway, back then, concessions weren't made for the masters passing through Tahiti.

Such would not be the case in 2007 because things are different now, but, honestly, isn't it daft to believe that could be even the slightest bit relevant to the discussion here or anywhere?


Q Magazine linked GvsB over an mp3 of Radiohead's cover of Bjork's "Unravel," allegedly Thom Yorke's favorite song of all time. The band has been playing with publicity this week, and Chris and G have been on top of the gizname double time.


SF-based conceptual performance artist, Jill Miller, has executed a pretty interesting installation examining the boundaries of legal surveillance using effete art world society as her subject of invasion. (via BoingBoing.net)


The Faberge egg of sports memorabilia. (courtesy of Deadspin)

02 November 2007

21 October 2007

17 October 2007

Little Sister

Designers at Wolff Olins, the branding/design shoppe employing my neat little sister in the big city, decided to incorporate her into one of the final approved logos for the NYC city rebrand (notice a kid sister in the upward left half of "C"). An interesting choice given the type of person chosen to grace a fresh new logo for what is, ostensibly, the center of the world, but, yet, a pathetically fitting one all the same.

double sister.jpg
"I love trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

THAT sneaky little kid sister sure is one HEAP OF DOUBLE TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!

11 October 2007



Clockwise or Not?

via Kottke.

10 October 2007

Arcady Asset Managment: Web


Art Director: David
Engineer/Flash/Rhythm Section: Garrison

New day

10/10/07 = Trojan horse of genius. A day where Radiohead:

- deal the record industry an insurmountable hand and rewrite the rules of distribution
- release a perfect record, In Rainbows

- systematically deconstruct the entire press machine and all other traditions
- place the trust of pricing and purchasing music in the fans' hands, a beautiful spin on piracy and a survey which forces one to think, "how much is this worth to me?"
- garner hundreds of millions of dollars in press exposure (pre/post-release)
- have, at once -- or as close to such -- one world listening to an ALBUM in the age of the song/endless mix.

All thanks to a fifteen word announcement via their site on 10/1.

Pretty spec.ial.

(Radiohead chuckle over tea and discuss Johnny's punctuation errors just minutes before introducing In The Rainbow)


03 October 2007

Claim the source............................

Picture 2.png
An outcome will be an interesting one. It will be hard, I think, to rally the citizenry and any form of success. They will be more concerned with larger issues.

Many things are happening in the world today.

25 September 2007

Magna Carta = Magna Rad

A friend of mine doesn't want anyone to know that he's leaving town early tomorrow morning to attend Sotheby's' private auction of the "most important document on earth," the Magna Carta. The holy grail of cartas.

In his pursuit of the artifact, a document that appeals for fundamental human rights against the tyranny of the king (the first recorded denuncation of tyranny, my friends), the anonymous buyer -- an avowed tyrant, ironically -- has undemocratically asked me to remain mum in the hopes of not driving the estimated $20-30 million price tag any further, or "unnecessarily", as he smuggly mutters.

The Magna Carta is a very unbelievable thing and is the most important document in history.

Motorik MRI

Had an MRI for my whiplashed neck this morning. The experience leading up to it was somewhat nerve-wracking, but only until the kind gentleman manning the station turned on the machine beast of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging apparatus.

The protocol is simple. You dress in drab 2001 space scrubs, they strap you down mental ward stylee, then the radiological staff ushers you into a pure white circular chamber whose diamater barely exceeds the size of one's corpus. The experience is very Sci-Fi and the time spent within, once the machine has been powered, hypnotic.

(Betty MRI and her MRI machine device + patient. Image supplied by Google Images)

An MRI is a motorik symphony, rhythmic and structured, tantamount to a Wicker Park or Brooklyn experimentalist's art noise suite, but far better and with more relevant and scientific applications...true high art in the weirdest way one could never really expect from a modern human imaging machine.

The kind gentleman of the laboratory asks you to close your eyes and flips a switch that ignites a bassy tremolo -- the foundation rhythm of the motorik medical symphony -- which reminds one of the heart's beat when shaken by an unfortunate event, or struck by a Cupid's arrow. From the foundation rhythm, layers and layers of Krautish noise and Moog sounds are heaped on systematically, with algorithimic precision, and the symphony has begun.

Throughout, textures emerge and disappear -- and resurface -- in dramatic fashion, with the swirling heartbeat bass in tact. Tense, vivid structuring, sounds coming and going, peaks and valleys, harmonies of drone cords and cords within cords. Sort of perfect music framed by the beauty of repetition.

It is impossible to imagine that those put to music couldn't derive inspiration from the MRI's industrial suite of machine noise.

From this MRI music, in this case, the deepest reaches of the neck are imaged, rendered, and ready for analysis.

Go buy three MRI machines today if you can. Now, I will say that you might not be able to do on account of financial constraints/priorities, but you should try if you must.

Trying is the most important thing you can do. Always try hard, but also make sure to believe in yourself through thick and thin. Even when things aren't looking so bright.

24 September 2007




21 September 2007



Spanish Forethought: Espacios Publicitarios

(courtesy of the via by way of Gabe Pearlman at Grand Schemes)

Click hither for mas

18 September 2007

Chronilogical Progression of NYC Subway Development, Animated

(via the courtesy of Kottke.org)

13 September 2007

Unofficial ACL Aftershow

(poster by Hot Freaks! personnel)

Chris helped curate a GvsB co-sponsored event which was sort of hilariously, officially "de-deemed" an Unofficial Austin City Limits event per the request of the ACL Advisory Board.

Great lineup and all the rest. Very much looking forward to it.

dreams de league of the nba basquetbol

Cousin Tbone makes the defensive transition after an uncontested reverse windmill.

11 September 2007



31 August 2007


Point To Be Made:
The child's betrayal in Blood Diamond is far too similar to that of Peter Pan's son's in Hook. Period. The film was a thought-provoking Hollywood affair, sure, but it's an infuriating plot twist that shouldn't go unnoticed.

Tri-pod Swivelling